Resize an image on mac for itunes podcast

broken image

Save this_image in ((path to home folder) as string) & 'Music:iTunes:CurrentArtwork. Set this_image to open ((path to home folder) as string) & 'Music:iTunes:CurrentArtwork.png' This is the Code I used now: tell application 'Image Events' In GeekTool I have to call them directly after each other and it works just fine! The Code I generated was basically correct, but I had to put it into an separate Script-File. Ok, nevermind, I managed to solve it finally.

broken image

Set RefNum to (open for access the_artwork_file with write permission)ĭo shell script 'rm -f ' & (POSIX path of the_artwork_file) Set theArt to front artwork of current track If ('iTunes' is in name of processes) then This is my current Code: set the_artwork_file to ((path to home folder) as string) & 'Music:iTunes:CurrentArtwork.png' There are three tabs: Details, Ratings and Reviews and Related. Search for Gutenberg Changelog in the upper right corner of the screen. If you’re not signed in, sign in with your Apple ID. I found some solutions online, but none of them worked.Īnd since I am not that much into AppleScript I also can't handle it myself. How to leave an iTunes rating and review for our podcast. Now I wanted also to resize this Image because some Images are a bit small. I've encountered a little problem when I wanted to modify a ApplScript, that I am using to get my current iTunes Coverinto a image file that I display on my Desktop via GeekTool.